Do I need an Internet connection to run Airport Briefing?

Do I need an Internet connection to run Airport Briefing?

Internet connection is required to login, download airports, check for updates, send user reports and/or use 3rd party services like METAR/TAF.

How can I install new airports?

How can I install new airports?

All available airports can be downloaded/installed from the All Airports page under the Home menu.

How can I delete/uninstall an airport?

How can I delete/uninstall an airport?

Airports can be uninstalled from the application by selecting EDIT from the top bar in the Installed view.

What are the minimum system requirements to run Airport Briefing?

What are the minimum system requirements to run Airport Briefing?

The minimum operating system for Airport Briefing 3.0 is iOS 10.0 or Windows 10.The minimum device capability required to run Airport Briefing on iOS devices is iPad Air 2 or newer, with a minimum of 2GB RAM memory. Devices running on the Windows platform require a minimum of 2GB RAM memory.

How reliable or accurate is the data in Airport Briefing?

How reliable or accurate is the data in Airport Briefing?

With integrated LIDO SkyData® by Lufthansa Systems in Airport Briefing, monitoring and management of airport data is fully automated and managed using ARINC 424 data streams.

How frequently is the data updated?

How frequently is the data updated?

The data is updated every 28 days with each AIRAC cycle.

How can I add custom content for a particular airport?

How can I add custom content for a particular airport?

Custom content can be added using the Content Management System (Admin Panel). *Provided for Business & Enterprise type accounts only.

How can I add images and take visual notes to my media/gallery for a particular airport?

How can I add images and take visual notes to my media/gallery for a particular airport?

The MEDIA feature allows organized storage of personal videos and images as well as controlled dissemination of operator media files. To add a new photo or video simply Open Media, Tap the Take Photo or Add Media button, Take a photo or select the file from your drive and Tap Done.

Can I request a new airport to be developed?

Can I request a new airport to be developed?

Yes, send requests for new airports to the Airport Briefing team to

Will I be notified for new software and content updates?

Will I be notified for new software and content updates?

Yes, an amber colored notification icon will appear on top of the Menu item in the top-right-hand corner, alarming if there is some kind of update. More details can be found under the opened Menu items.

Can I adjust the font size and the size of the user interface (menus, buttons)?

Can I adjust the font size and the size of the user interface (menus, buttons)?

From the Menu item in the top-right-hand corner the +/- controls let you change the size of the text, buttons, menus, and windows i.e., all static items throughout Airport Briefing.

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